Outdoors Uncategorized

2022 Baja 1000

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Rob Wessels (@rdubcreative) Crossing in Mexicali San Felipe Percebu Ensenada Race day View this post on Instagram A post shared by Spitfire Racing (@spitfireracing) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Spitfire Racing (@spitfireracing)

Outdoors San Diego Surfing Uncategorized

Swamis July 2022

Solid pulse of SW swell I was lucky to get a few myself … Looking North Ponto had some massive walls rolling through.

Outdoors Uncategorized

BWR Asheville

BWR Asheville Shooting a cycling event such as the Belgian Waffle Ride is a treat. Covering the event from the seat of a motorcycle all the better. Icing on the cake is that I thoroughly enjoy the entire media team. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Rob Wessels (@rdubcreative)

San Diego Uncategorized

Belly Up Solana Beach

I put quick edit together from the evening. This is unedited rec 709 directly from my camera.

San Diego Uncategorized

La Costa Preserve Mtb Photos

MTB photography and videography

San Diego Uncategorized

Brewery Photography: Carlsbad Brewing Company

On location at Carlsbad Brewing Company in Carlsbad California. Getting some images of new merch for their online store.

Outdoors San Diego Uncategorized

Ocean Beach Street Photography

The set up: Over consumption of alcohol on a Sunday. We’ve all been there; “Sunday night vibes” get the best of us. Waking to foggy vision and piecing together events of the previous evening. To any of those which this has never applied, I invite you to look down your nose at me. I welcome the judgment […]

Outdoors Uncategorized

King of the Hammers

Pre running King of the Hammers 2022 Here is a quick look at a day of pre running in the johnson valley getting ready for King of the Hammers. BFG Can Am Ultra 4 Johnson Valley For all your photo | video needs click below

San Diego Uncategorized

Bressi Ranch Halloween

October With summer’s passing and a time change in our near future. The only thing to look forward to, is the sunsetting at 5:30p… With seasonal depression approaching, the neighborhoods creatively lit homes were a welcome sight. Haunted farmers market & Saloon from the crypt. Kinda like a Halloween acid trip. I was really impressed […]

San Diego Uncategorized

Me and my 50 Encinitas night

There is an art to navigation in an environment such as San Diego. Not so much as it is difficult setting to find your way. But moments of peace are precious.. I’ve had the key, if only I could find the lock. focus 50mm f1.8 NIKKOR My favorite photos Not my favorite .. if you […]